JCARA, Inc. Club Minutes - January, 2015

Meeting Called to Order by President Charlie, N2PKW
Prayer led by Chaplain Chuck, N9RRI
Pledge of Allegiance led by Charlie, N2PKW


President Charlie, N2PKW gave his, “State Of The Onion” address in which he reviewed past challenges and the ones facing us this year.   He also spoke of visions and goals for this year, stressing on teamwork for the growth of the Club through activities within the Club itself and for Public Service.  A major issue is the need to change the location of our Club Property Storage.  It will be addressed under New Business.  A major challenge is concerning the two ecomm trailers donated by Ingalls Shipbuilding.  It will also be addressed under New Business.  A great big “Thank You!” to the Warner family for all the time and effort it took to get these trailers tagged and licensed.  A Trailer Committee has been set up under the Chairmanship of Larry Peoples, K5LGP.

All Officers Present

Quorum Declared

Visitors:  Ira Groff, NN5AF; Ray Roberts, WB5JHC; Melissa Tronnes, KF5RXB

Sick Call: 

Toxey Morris, W5TMM  eyes

November Secretarial Report by Valerie, N9RQX; 

Motion to Accept Minutes made by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI;  Motion Carried.

December Secretarial Report by Valerie, N9RQX; 

Motion to Accept Minutes made by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Barb, KE5QHZ;  Motion Carried.

December Treasurer's Report given by Charlie, AG5CC; 

Motion to Accept made by Chuck, N9RRI;  Seconded by Dan, AE5JG;  Motion Carried.

January Treasurer's Report given by Charlie, AG5CC; 

Motion to Accept made by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Barb, KE5QHZ;  Motion Carried.

Charlie, AG5CC suggested that the Warner's be reimbursed their out of pocket expenses for the two trailers' inspection, license tags and Certificate of Title.  Charlie, N2PKW proposed the Motion; Motion to Accept made by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Nick, K5BQJ;  Motion Carried.

Old Business:

1.  Repeater Committee:  Nick, K5BQJ had nothing to report at this time.
2.  VE Activity:  One took Extra Test and failed.
3.  Dan, AE5JG reported he is still receiving QSL requests from the Round Island Lighthouse Event.

Next Meeting will be February 24, 2015.

New Business:

1.  The need of a new Storage Facility location (we must be out of our present location by the end of
February); Chris, K5MOZ made a Motion that the B O D be appointed to find the lowest bidder and take it for a maximum of six Months; Seconded by Larry, K5LGP; much discussion ensued but vote was taken; Motion Carried.
2.  Ecomm Trailers:  Chairman Larry, K5LGP spoke of the need to get his Committee together soon, citing the various responsibilities he and his Committee will be facing.
3.  Richard, AF5AQ announced he has the Club sew on patches for sale.
4.  Richard, AF5AQ and Charlie, AG5CC are planning on setting up an awning with a couple of radios, in Vancleave at the High School, on April 26.   Anyone interested in helping out, are welcome.
5.  Richard, AF5AQ made a Motion for the B O D to look into raising the Club Dues;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI;  Discussion followed, examining the pros and cons; looking at other avenues to raise income, not saddling the Club Membership.  Vote was taken;  Motion Carried.
6.  Chris, K5MOZ brought to the attention of the Club Membership, the signing out, on a loan basis, of up to six transceivers for Club use, in and around the two trailers, from the Jackson County E O C. Chris, K5MOZ made a Motion that we accept these radios;  Seconded by Dan, AE5JG;   discussion followed and vote was taken;  Motion Carried.
7.  Chris, K5MOZ informed the Membership that there are 14 ARES applications accepted.

Vice President Marilyn, AF5DP informed the Club that we had received a, “Thank You” card from Bob Chatel, AG4YA and his family, thanking the Club for the flowers and condolences that were sent to
Shirley's funeral.  The whole Club feels for Bob and his family.

President Charlie, N2PKW entertained a Motion to Adjourn;  Dan, AE5JG made the Motion;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI; Motion Carried;  Meeting Adjourned. 

Respectfully Submitted by

Valerie, N9RQX
Club Secretary